Airflow measurements will be taken for all the 3 air streams entering the bag house (cyclones, ore pre-heater and cold air, bleed-in as well as at the exhaust to determine if all flows resolve.
The total exhaust vented to atmosphere will be compared to other metrics for similar furnaces or manufacturers.
We’re committed to product quality and client satisfaction. We’re proud to be your single source for system design, purchase, installation, maintenance — and everything in between.
Terajoule’s comprehensive onsite energy audit takes a deep dive into your usage to determine whether investing in an ERS system will provide bottom line benefits to your business. If you choose to invest in a system, the audit cost is deducted.
Our detailed engineering reports included the performance data and recommendations, backed by years of successful operations, that you need to make a well-informed decision
The Terajoule Audit uses calibrated instrumentation and state of the art data collection technology to measure your existing fuel/energy usage profile
Using the baseline data we will model a high-efficiency, modular ERS system which is customized to your usage profile, installation criteria and desired outcomes.
Know, with certainty, via onsite metrics and analysis if waste heat recovery is right for your business
We extract and make sense of the data so you understand every aspect of your fuel consumption and expanded product.
Terajoule’s onsite audit unlocks your potential for savings and operational gains and provides you with a blueprint for a custom waste heat recovery system
Our onsite engineering study is an affordable fee exercise at your facility with our engineering and fabrication team to assess entire system performance and the viability of ERS improvement. It is designed to ensure that our equipment interfaces with your existing furnace in both cold and hot/operational mode in your production facility; you will receive a technical evaluation of the existing equipment and a full report assessing the following factors. We will perform a system airflow analysis, heat and mass balance, advise on the suitability of existing process equipment in the upgrade and plan for the installation of new ERS kit plus advise on additional heat recovery options that may be of interest to you. Terajoule engineers will bring all required equipment but it may be necessary to drill/cut access points in the system to obtain flow, pressure and temperature readings. The technical services report details layout, tie-in points and any modifications required on your existing furnace. Specific process measurements pertaining pressure and airflow, determining layout of blower & ducting, vendor tie points, requirements to implement our kit, technical exchange of drawings & info, etc.
Airflow measurements will be taken for all the 3 air streams entering the bag house (cyclones, ore pre-heater and cold air, bleed-in as well as at the exhaust to determine if all flows resolve. The total exhaust vented to atmosphere will be compared to other metrics for similar furnaces or manufacturers.
Performance of the exhaust fan will be assessed for capacity in terms of volume of air, pressure drop, fan speed and absorbed power. The Terajoule ERS will add to the overall system pressure drop to overcome the resistance through the heat exchanger, rotary ore pre-heater and additional ducting runs. The fan will need to operate at a higher speed than at present and can be easily done via the automatic damper. The air system can operate at higher capacity as and when required. Air in-leakage into the furnace is also considered and its contribution to overall efficiency.